News — IbuysFoodAndDrink
Nothing offers succour in deepest darkest January quite like a warming bowl of homemade soup
Now that the festive season is done and dusted, there’s every reason to seek comfort in the austere month ahead, especially when it comes to nurturing both health and bank balance. Making your own soup might sound elaborate, but armed with a soup maker or blender it becomes a simple process – throwing ingredients into a single pot and pressing a button is about as straightforward as it gets, even for the most time-strapped kitchen dodgers. Saving on time is just the start of it, as creating your own concoctions also affords opportunity to boost both your budget and wellbeing...
Convenient, healthy, cost saving – it’s no wonder smoothie makers (otherwise known as bullet blenders) have transcended from what easily could have been a flash-in-the-pan gadget to a kitchen staple
For those looking to improve their diet, bullet blenders offer a fast but effective way of consuming plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. And though some of the leading brands available represent quite a high initial outlay, if you consume juices and smoothies regularly, they’re a great way to save money on store-bought drinks. The NutriBullet may have led the way, effectively creating the genre of compact but powerful blenders, but booming demand means there are now plenty of other options out there, from high-end to budget-friendly. In our review, we considered all price points, and looked at not only...
The gas versus charcoal BBQ argument has been raging since Chicago-born Don McGlaughlin’s gas-powered LazyMan first hit the market in the early 1950s
Today, most professional chefs and seasoned barbecuers will extol the virtues of charcoal over gas and it’s true that, psychologically at least, charcoal is a more primally satisfying way to grill meats and vegetables in the great outdoors. However, charcoal barbecuing does have its drawbacks, namely the length of time it takes for the charcoal to reach optimum temperature and the extra work involved in preventing the food from being scorched to a cinder. On the flip side, gas aficionados will argue that gas grilling produces a flavour just as authentically smoky as charcoal, only without the hassle. After all,...