
RECEPT: Pomalu peen vepov | Pulled Pork Recipe


Dneska tu pro vs mm troku jin obsah, ne na jak jste obvykle zvykl. Dvod je prost. Od okamiku, kdy jsem na Instagramu sdlela fotku propeenho flku masa, dostvm dotazy a poadavky na recept :-) Tak jsem se rozhodla, e ho tady prost sepu, a ho me najt kad, kdo potebuje inspiraci, jak upct maso trochu jinak :-)

Recept nen nijak sloit a zvldne ho opravdu kad. Jedin, co potebujete, je as, protoe maso budeme pct cca 8 hodin :-) Take potejte s tm, e prvn den bude sp k veei ne k obdu. Pokud ovem mte chytrou troubu, mete ji nastavit tak, aby zaala bez vs u v noci, a tm pdem byste obd mohli stihnout.

Today it is a bit different type of content than usually. Few weeks ago I shared a picture of roasted pork on my Instagram and since then I am receiving questions How to make this yammi thing. So thats why I am sharing it now with a full recipe :-)

The recipe is very simple and even beginner cook can make it. The only thing you need is time because the preparation takes about 8 hours. It means that meat will be ready rather for dinner than lunch. However, if you have a smart oven, you can set it up to start roasting during the night before and make it for lunch time.

Co budeme potebovat/ What do we need:

  • cca 3 kg vepov plece / pork shoulder
  • cca 0,5 kg cibule / onion
  • olej /oil
  • mix koen / mix of spices I prepare my own mix of:
    • sl / salt
    • pep / pepper
    • sladk paprika / sweet pepper (sweet paprika)
    • smoked (kouov) paprika / smoked pepper (smoked paprika)
    • suen esnek / granulated garlic
    • kayensk pep / cayen pepper
    • hnd cukr / brown suger


Suroviny si mete upravit podle sebe a sv chuti, pidejte nebo vynechejte cokoli, co mte/nemte rdi. Klov je u tohoto receptu zpsob pomalho peen, zbytek je sp pro inspiraci.

Feel free to adapt list of ingredients as you wish. It always depends on your preferences or diet restrictions. The key is slow roasting, the rest is more for inspiration.

Jak na to/ How to

Z masa odstrate jakkoliv tvrd kusy ke, ppadn zbytky lach z oblasti, kde byla kost. Tuk mete ponechat na mase nebo seznout a pihodit do peke zvl (zle na va chuti, obecn se doporuuje tuk ponechat). Maso potete olejem a silnj vrstvou koen. Ideln je maso nechat odleet pes noc, ale pokud spchte, sta hodinka pi pokojov teplot.

Remove all skin and possible residua of bones from meat. If there is a thicker fat layer, you can remove it but in general it is recommended to keep fat on as it brings more taste. Cover the meat with oil and thick layer of spice mix. Ideally, let it marinade over night but if you are in a rush, one hour in room temperature works too.

Cibuli nakrjejte nahrubo a rozlote na spodek peke. Pidejte odezan tuk, pokud mte. Sta podlt jen trokou vody, maso pak pust vlastn vu. Maso polote na cibuli a up s nm do trouby.

Cut onion to bigger chunks and spread it on bottom of baking tray. Add small amount of water, not much. The meat will release some juices as it is roasted. Put meat on top of the onion and it is ready for oven.

Troubu rozehejte na 200C a maso v nm zprudka zapete cca 30 minut. Vytvo se krika, kter udr vu lpe uvnit masa. Pak snite teplotu na 110-120C, maso v peki zakryjte, a pete 6-8 hodin do plnho zmknut. Doba peen zle na velikosti a kvalit masa, teoreticky mete potebovat i vce asu. Maso by se mlo rozpadat na jednotliv vlkna bez velkho sil (trhme dvma vidlikami). Bhem peen nen poteba maso nijak hldat, dky piklopen se voda nevypauje a tedy ance na piplen jsou nzk. Pokud chcete, mete ho obas pelt seshora, ale nen to nutn. Po cca 6 hodinch peen vyzkouejte, zda u je mkk a nadle pete dle poteby.

Preheat oven to 200C and give a meat a quick roast to develop a cover on top. Then lower the temperature to 110-120C, cover the tray and roast it for 6-8 hours. The time depends on size of meat and also its quality. At the end, you should be able to easily pull the meat with two forks. During roasting, it does not require any attention. After about 6 hours, start checking its softness and adjust roasting time accordingly.

S m servrovat /Serving tips:

Takto pipraven maso lze pout na tisc zpsob. My lenoi na to jdeme jednodue a nejradji si ho dvme s bramborovou ka a nebo erstvm chlebem. Skvle se ale hod i do toust, burger (Pulled Pork Burger najdete na menu tm kad burgrrny u ns), lze ho zabalit a zapct do tortilly, nebo jen tak pohodit na salt a pedstrat zdravou stravu. Nejlpe ho doplnte BBQ omkou, rozum si ale i s nm ostejm, nebo teba se srem.

Tip na veei: Do mench tortilly rozlote maso, pidejte BBQ a edar, pelote a zapete v grilu i toustovai. Se zeleninovm saltkem a trokou zakysan smetany dostanete pardn veei :-)

For lazy guys, the easiest serving tip is with BBQ and freshly baked bread. It makes a great combo also with mashed or roasted potatoes. Pulled pork is also perfect for toasting with cheese ( I like cheddar) or to prepare pulled pork burger which is very popular especially in Europe.

Our lazy dinner tip: Take small size tortillas, fill them with meat, BBQ and cheddar and toast them in contact grill for few minutes. Served with small salad and sour cream it makes perfect simple dinner.

Jet poznmka na zvr:

Recept jsem nevymyslela, inspirovala jsem se tak online. Shldla jsem nkolik vide a lnk, take odkaz na konkrtn inspiraci nemm. Nicmn pokud potebujete dal inspiraci nebo podrobnj video nvod, hledejte pod nzvy Pomalu peen vepov, Trhan vepov, ppadn anglicky Pulled Pork. Najdete destky, ne-li stovky, nvod a mete si vybrat ten, kter vm k srdci piroste nejvc :-)

Prosm mjte na pamti, e nejsem dn kucha, a sdlm jen sv zkuenosti a tipy, jak tento zpsob ppravy masa funguje pro m. Netvrdm, e je jedin sprvn. Klidn obhldnte internet a inspirujte se dalmi recepty, abyste nali ten, kter bude nejvce chutnat vm.

Obviously, this is not super original recipe invented by me :-) If you want more inspiration how to prepare this kind of meat, search for Pulled Pork online. You will find dozens of recipes from which you can choose your fave :-) In USA, it is apparently more usual to prepare this kind of meat on grill. But if you do not have grill or it is too cold to be outside, the oven will work just as well.

Please kindly note that I am no chef. I am only sharing the recipe which works for me and my family. Feel free to get inspired and search for more ideas online to find the perfect way of preparing pulled pork which will work for you.

Tak dobrou chu a napite mi, pokud recept vyzkoute :-)

Bon Apetit and let me know if you give it a try :-)

With Love, Jana

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