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10 Creative Kids’ Closet Ideas (and Only Some Are for Storing Clothes)


Tags Design, Featured, Kids, Organization, Stories

10 Creative Kids’ Closet Ideas (and Only Some Are for Storing Clothes)

Photography by Elizabeth Larson; Design by Danielle McKim Kids’ clothes might be tinier than the average wardrobe, but the things children will inevitably grow out of (itty-bitty sweaters, onesie pj’s, adorable sneakers) actually require a decent amount of storage space. The issue is, we don’t tend to give little ones the biggest bedrooms in the house, so their closets are usually a tight squeeze, too.  Fortunately, with plenty of hanging rods, savvy drawers, door hooks, and more, you can turn any subpar niche into a rainbow-infused workhorse. Psst: You don’t even have to put their clothes in there at all....

6 Ways to Organize Your Cookware That Don’t Involve Stacking


Tags Advice, Kitchen, Stories, TopStory

6 Ways to Organize Your Cookware That Don’t Involve Stacking

Stacking pots and pans in low kitchen cabinets is by far the most popular storage method. It also happens to be the least convenient. You can be as strategic about it as you like, but somehow the tool you end up needing always seems to be at the bottom of the pile—the corresponding lid nowhere to be found. And if you’re the type of person who collects cast iron, wrangling the heavy pieces is a back-breaking workout, not to mention loud.  While shoving bulky braisers and skillets in a cupboard is certainly a quick solution, there are plenty of other...

Target’s Bedroom Section Is Full of Bargain Buys Right Now


Tags Bedding, Bedroom, MakeYourselfAtHome, News, Stories

Target’s Bedroom Section Is Full of Bargain Buys Right Now

Home should be your happy place—now more than ever. Head to the #MakeYourselfAtHome hub to find tiny projects, feel-good recipes, and clever decorating ideas to make each day a little bit brighter. Whether you’re moving into a new home or looking to spruce up what you already have, adding fresh pieces to your bedroom can create a sense of calm when you need it the most. After all, your space should feel like an oasis where you can unwind and recalibrate freely. And the best way to do that is to fill it with things that make you happy—without hurting your checking...

Don’t Just Shop H&M Home for the Room Refresh You’ve Been Craving


Tags Design, H, RoomRefresh, Stories, Trends

Don’t Just Shop H&M Home for the Room Refresh You’ve Been Craving

A little bit of retail therapy never hurt anyone—in fact, it might actually do some good. While you’re shopping at H&M Home, take note of how much you’re spending. The retailer is running a special offer between April 13 and 19 for its loyalty members: Shell out $60 or more, and $10 will be donated to the charity of your choice. Between a new collection that’s tailor-made to create your coziest space yet (we’re talking linen robes and bergamot-scented candles) and tons of warm-weather decorating essentials, there’s a lot to pick from. We’re drawn to the smaller pieces that make...

All of My Closets Were Overflowing Until I Bought These $29 Space Savers


Tags Advice, Closet, OrganizingTips, Stories

All of My Closets Were Overflowing Until I Bought These $29 Space Savers

As I prepped to move from my studio apartment with two tiny closets to a one-bedroom with six of them—my boyfriend and I were making the leap into cohabitation—I believed I’d found the holy grail of storage.  I imagined it would go a little something like this: I’d get two closets in the bedroom (one with a hanging rack and the other with shelves), while my boyfriend would use a large double wardrobe just outside our room, across from the stacked laundry cabinet (which would house cleaning essentials along with brooms, mops, and stacks of paper towels). The entryway cupboard...