How do you organize your pots and pans? Are you super organized or are you finding you have pots in one place, pans in another, and you would be lucky to find a lid?
These five ways to organize pots and pans can help you create order with your skillets, saucepans, and more. Find a way that will work in your kitchen and that you can keep up with as you use those pots and pans. Sometimes things may look nice but aren’t functional for your kitchen. So use what works for you and your space.
Drawer Storage
Our kitchen was built for drawers. Because I planned for this. All of our pots and pans fit under the stovetop in two drawers. We only keep the ones we use. The rest were donated to a local organization.
When you start with only having to store the pots and pans you use, it makes it easy to organize them in a drawer.
I do recommend using drawer liner to keep the pots from sliding around. And if you can, store the lids on top of the pots so you don’t lose them.

Cabinet Storage
When you are storing pots and pans in a cabinet, I suggest stacking them with the handles out. This will help you grab the pots or pans you may need to cook.
You can also add in more shelves to your cabinets so you don’t have to pile your pots and pans so high. I talk about how to that for a closet, but the idea is the exact same in the kitchen.
When you add more shelves, you can add more items to the cabinet without piling things on top of each other.
But if you are in the market for new pots, look for some that can stack on top of each other with lids stored on the inside like this set or this Calphalon set or this budget friendly option.
Lid Storage
If you don’t have nesting pots and pans, then you may find yourself needing lid storage. And there are a few options.
First is hanging the lids on the door of your cabinet using a handy gadget like this door organizer. Or these individual lid holders.
Another option is to use cabinet space for storing lids on a wire lid rack. There are a few I recommend like the adjustable rack organizer or the wire pull out organizer.

Hanging Storage
When you are limited on cabinet and drawer space, hanging the pots and pans may be a helpful options. Back when I lived in downtown Chicago, I had to hang all my pots and pans because I didn’t have space anywhere else. Then we used the hanging pot holder in our old kitchen because it saved so much space!
We have a wall pot organizer that was similar to this one from Crate and Barrel. I also had clients get something similar to this one from Amazon.
If you have the wall space, use it!

Oversized Items Storage
Sometimes you will have oversized items that don’t fit in any cabinet or drawer. So try storing them above your oven or fridge. This will help you free up space you may need in the cabinets or drawers. Because you typically only need those oversized items occasionally.
You can also store those items in your pantry or storage area.
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The post 5 Ways To Organize Pots And Pans appeared first on The Organized Mama.