
Yoga + Mom Life Lately


Well, here I am watching season three of Love Is Blind. I wasn’t going to do it this season but just kept reading and hearing so much about it so it’s good background entertainment while I write this post. I can already see that Cole is going to be quite the character.

I got Finn off to preschool this morning and then had a physical with a new primary care provider. I haven’t had a PCP in many years and it was time to move on from using my GYN for everything. The appointment went really well, I got lots of questions answered and a clean bill of health. I stopped by Trader Joe’s on the way home (will share haul in next post), worked on the computer all afternoon and taught yoga this evening.

I have an assortment of yoga and mom life stuff from the last week to share in this post so here we go. 🙂


Charlotte yoga

I taught eight yoga classes at Charlotte Yoga last week – which is double my regular class schedule. It’s honestly crazy for me to think that I taught 10-15 classes a week for years. I loved it in the moment but I don’t think I could go back to that. I’ve been jumping in to sub as much as possible lately because I’ve been the recipient of SO much sub love this year with what I’ve been through with my parents. I subbed a candlelight flow one night and while I loved the vibe of the class, the 8:15p start time felt soooo late with the time change. I’m subbing it again this week!

This Monday night I got to teach a really cool yoga event on behalf of Charlotte Yoga for Atrium Health and the Carolina Panthers. It was called InspiHer and a donation-based class to support Women’s Care at Atrium Health.

The class was held in the Atrium Health Dome, which is the Panthers covered practice facility. We had a great turnout of around 200-250 yogis. I am very grateful to community yoga events coming back.

Bank of America stadium


greenapple sports Charlotte

Finn is just the sweetest sidekick these days. He often joins me at Greenapple Sports for my chiropractic appointments. I’ve been holding up pretty strong lately but try to get in there at least once a month for maintenance for my hip and back. Also, my left side QL (Quadratus Lumborum) has been weirdly (and painfully) tight on and off for the last few months. I have learned my lesson on not letting things escalate so we’ve been working on that. I alternate between seeing Dr. Bradberry or Dr. Goodman for all of appointments and I always leave feeling better than when I arrived.

omg donuts Charlotte

We were supposed to take the dogs to the groomer on Friday morning but the appointment got cancelled at the last-minute. I had already promised Finn that we’d stop to get donuts on the way home from dropping them off so you better believe that we still went out for donuts. Gotta keep your promises when it comes to donuts. 😉

Rainy Friday afternoon movie date. I took Finn to see Lyle, Lyle Crocodile and it was SO cute and heartwarming. I read this book growing up so it was nostalgic for me. The movie is full of music and songs – Sean Mendes does the singing for Lyle.

Finn and I were very lazy on Saturday and it was glorious. We slept until 9:30a, hung out around the house, went on a long, slow walk and then took a nap. Finn rarely naps these days but he asked to lie down together on Saturday afternoon and asked me to scratch his back. Next thing I knew he was lights out and we slept for 1.5 hours. I wasn’t feeling super great so it was such a blessing. When we got up and moving he asked if we could go to a restaurant that has hush puppies. I decided it would be fun to get out of the house on a Saturday evening so we went to Midwood Smokehouse. It’s family-friendly and casual. I knew they’d have hushpuppies for Finn and the UGA game on for me.

midwood smokehouseIt cracks me up how much Finn loves hush puppies. He first discovered his love for them at our favorite seafood restaurant in Florida.

midwood smokehouse salad

I had a very delicious salad with romaine, pulled chicken, tortilla strips, corn, black beans, avocado, tomatoes and chipotle ranch.

We had such a fun dinner together…and it was affordable! We got out of there under $25 which feels like a steal these days.

Since we napped so late, I let Finn stay up and finish the UGA game when we got home and he was so tickled to be up late. The Dawgs won and we slept great Saturday night.

My final piece of Finn news is that praise the lord…he has decided that he doesn’t like to be cold and will voluntarily wear a jacket, hat and gloves this year! He picked out this hat and jacket at Target over the weekend and has been rocking them ever since. He also loves to put his hands in his pockets and it’s too cute.

I’m going to start shutting things down over here. I am training a client at 6a tomorrow morning and have a full day ending with that candlelight class. <3

I hope y’all are having a great week.


Are you watching Love Is Blind? 

Have you seen any good movies lately? Anyone seen the new George Clooney and Julia Roberts movie? 

What are your favorite restaurants to eat at with your kids? 

The post Yoga + Mom Life Lately appeared first on Peanut Butter Runner.

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