
Weekly Wrap-Up {Camper Progress, Habits, & Back to School!}


It’s been a solid two weeks of work on the playhouse and things are really starting to come together. Yesterday, I painted the interior and it finally started to feel like a real playhouse.

Jackson is truly a kid after my own heart and picked this beautiful, sunny yellow for the interior walls. I’m in love with how it looks with the diamond-patterned floors, and it feels so cheery in there! I’ll (hopefully) be putting the finishing touches on it next week, so be sure to keep an eye on my Instagram stories to see it all come together!

In other news, this was our last full week of summer and my heart is breaking. I typically am very ready for the school year to begin, but this summer has just been so magical that I’m not ready for it to be over. Although, I’m sure once we settle into the routine a bit I’ll be grateful to have some normalcy back.

Plus, the start of the school year means it’s almost time for all things pumpkin and sweaters and fall.

And I think we all know I can’t get enough of fall.

Here are a few other fun tidbits from the week:

  • I got this toothpaste dispenser/toothbrush holder for the boys’ bathroom this week and it is a GAME-CHANGER! See how it works here if you need to be convinced, but I’ve never seen so many people snatch up a product I shared so quickly before.
  • This post on habits made me smile and think about my own. A few favorites? I’ve started running anywhere from 3 to 9 miles almost every weekday morning, and my day now feels weird if I skip it. I’ve also gotten in the habit of doing a family house cleanup between dinner time and bath time – we set a timer and race around to get everything picked up. The kids actually think it’s fun and I LOVE ending the day with a straightened-up house! What are your good habits?
  • This basement renovation is absolutely incredible.
    Also, this wall color is unexpected in the best possible way. It feels so cozy and sophisticated!
  • Definitely snagging this lunch box for when Grant starts preschool in September.
  • Actually, I kind of just want everything from this new line coming to Target!
  • Do you have regular date nights? Corey and I used to be really good about getting takeout once a week and playing a game together, but it’s been a while. Maybe this back to school season will be the perfect time. I’ve been thinking about simple at-home-date-nights we could plan and I’d love to hear your ideas!

I’ll see you next week, friends!

The post Weekly Wrap-Up {Camper Progress, Habits, & Back to School!} appeared first on Love & Renovations.

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