Back with a bang this year, the Outdoor Toy awards will return to wide open spaces and have plenty of kids putting toys through their paces. Toyology and the Kidzcoolit network will be overseeing the media and social coverage. There will be 10 toys crowned the must-haves for get-out-and-get-active play.
“We’re delighted to be able to return to the moderate chaos of outdoor toy testing after last year, which just wasn’t quite the same,” says Peter Jenkinson, founder of the awards. “But we’re back, and this, our fifth event, remains popular amongst the trade as a dedicated event to this very strong category.”
The 10 categories covered are:
* Climbing and Adventure
* Sport and Splash Fun
* Outdoor Games
* Science and Nature
* Ride Ons
* Trampolines
* Preschool Play
* Battle & Blaster Toys
* Houses, Tents & Hideaways
* Flying Toys.
The #OTA22 will be working across several titles.
Nick from Kidzcoolit says: “Playing outside, especially during the summer, is the essence of childhood. Some of our best memories come from hanging out with friends or just sitting on a swing in the garden with a squash in hand, talking to the family dog in the beaming summer sunshine.”
Adam Pearson of Geemac adds: “These Outdoor Toy Awards are so supportive of what we do across our portfolio of outdoor play equipment. We’re thrilled to have been a part of the proceedings since their inception in 2015. It’s a hugely fun few days and we really do get a lot from it as a business. I’m happy to let Peter and his crew take control of the kids though!
“The Outdoor Toy Awards is one of the annual events my ‘Kidz’ always ask, “Are we going this Year?”. There’s great excitement at the prospect of being part of it again. There are few play experiences that can compete on the same level as being outside. Kidzcoolit have always been very proud to support the event and this incredibly important part of the toy industry.”
Testing takes place in early May with the winners and other commended entries will be notified by the 12 May.
For more information and to grab an entry form email peter@toyology.co.uk