
Speech Room Tour


Hi! Welcome to my speech therapy room! I work at an elementary school in California. I am lucky to have a decent sized speech room. My room is not closet sized like some speech therapy rooms, but it’s not classroom sized either. I share the space with two amazing full time SLPAs because my caseload is huge!

Welcome to the Speech Room

This is what you see when first entering the speech room. Unfortunately, the walls are made concrete so it makes decorating very difficult. We are unable to hang anything with tacks or nails and have to resort to using tape. Most decorations eventually fall right off the walls. So the space isn’t as cute as it could be, but it is functional!

This is an image of a speech room.

Horseshoe Table

The classic horseshoe table is great for working with small groups. The smallest group I have is 2 and the largest is 5. There is also space in the room to do play therapy on the floor with younger students. For the most part, however, therapy is done either at the horseshoe table or we use a push-in model in the classroom setting.

This is an image of a woman sitting at a horseshoe table.

Speech Tests and Protocols

I have a cabinet where I keep all of my speech assessments and protocols. Keeping them organized is a must so that I can grab and go when I get a moment of time to assess students. I hate wasting time looking for a misplaced assessment. My district also has an account with Q-interactive and each SLP gets 2 iPads so that we can use their online assessments.

This is an image of speech assessments.

Preschool Games

I keep preschool games on the lower two shelves in a cabinet. This way the students can reach them if I ask them to get something out or they can see them and make a request.

This is an image of preschool toys on shelves.

Articulation Cards

I’m sure every speech room has a variety of articulation card decks. At my site we have tins of Super Duper Articulation Cards. We also have a lot of their language cards: verbs, irregular verbs, WH- questions, synonyms, and antonyms.

This is an image of articulation cards.

Books and More Articulation Materials

One thing I did when I started at this site was go through the cabinets and got rid of out of date assessments and old books. It’s hard to get rid of old books, but they live on if they are donated. I have slowly purchased newer books, and my school gave me a library card so that I can check out books as well. I also use digital books. Please read The Ultimate List of Speech Therapy Websites if you are interested in websites that offer digital books. Chipper Chat and Artic Bingo are other resources that I use during articulation therapy.

This is an image of books and games on a bookshelf.

Book Companions

Having book companions printed and on deck makes planning therapy sessions easy. There are tons of book companions for purchase here.

This is an image of Grumpy Monkey book and book companion.

Language Materials

There is a cabinet in my speech room completely dedicated to language material. Anything from story retell to sequencing to WH- questions to social communication materials can be found in this cupboard. I try to organize it by shelf. For example all sequencing materials go on the top shelf. All social communication resources go on the second shelf.

This is an image of speech materials on shelves.

Speech Games

In every speech room there is always a game cabinet and mine is no different. Some student favorites are Candyland and Hedbanz.(affiliate link) It’s surprising how many students have never played card games like Uno or Go Fish. I like to introduce students to games they’ve never played.

This is an image of board games.

ABC Manipulatives

These little containers are filled with manipulatives that begin with the given letter. I use them for articulation and building vocabulary through labeling and identifying. They are nice because they keep the students’ hands busy when it’s not their turn.

This is an image of alphabet manipulatives.

Sticker Chart and Prize box

Everytime speech students attend a session they get one sticker for attending and can earn another sticker for working hard. This keeps them motivated. I use this sticker chart in which occasionally a prize is earned. Once the student earns a prize I have them use hand sanitizer and then pick out a prize from the box. My students are very motivated to win prizes.

This is an image of a sticker chart and prize box.

The post Speech Room Tour appeared first on Simply Special Ed.

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