Hey guys! I hope that you had a great Labor Day weekend and that your short week is off to a good start.
It’s a big day over here! Finn started preschool this morning!
I don’t have one of those fancy signs and his clothes are a bit wrinkled but my boy was READY for his first day! We’ve spent the last few weeks really talking up school and he was very excited to go this morning. We had a dance party in the car on the way there and he eagerly ran into his room and hardly looked back to tell me goodbye.
Finn was in the toddlers class at this preschool for the 2019-2020 school year but didn’t complete the year due to COVID and we didn’t send him last year because the school wasn’t open for the first half of the year and we had a good thing going with our nanny. He missed meet the teacher last week because he was sick so I was happy that he felt so comfortable being back!
Finn was all smiles when I picked him up. He said his favorite part of the first day was playing on the playground. His teachers said he did great. YAY FINN! He’ll be going three days per week from 9-1 and we (his dad and I) are still using our nanny for about 20 hours a week.
I had an awesome Labor Day weekend with Finn. Thankfully, he really bounced back from being sick on Friday and we were able to get lots of fun adventures in over the weekend. The weather was incredible in Charlotte and we got a needed reprieve from the heat and humidity that we’d had for several weeks.
Here are some pictures from the weekend!
I let Finn pick what he wanted to do on Friday morning and he chose a trip to a local park. It’s so cute, he knows the name of different parks now and will request specific parks. He chose Squirrel Lake Park.
His favorite thing to do there is find rocks and throw them into the creek.
Later that day we met my handyman at my rental house for some repairs, got Finn a much needed haircut and went shoe shopping for school. The most important thing to share from this outing is that I introduced Finn to The Avett Brothers and he determined that his favorite song is Kick Drum Heart. Very important milestone for Finn.
Our outing ended with a trip to Park Road Books. They have a wonderful selection of children’s books and a spacious reading area.
How cute is our Saturday morning greeting committee? We slept with the window open in my bedroom because it got down into the upper 50s on Friday night!!! So nice to wake up with fresh air.
I think we finally made it out of bed around 8:30a (Finn loves to snuggle in the morning) and downstairs for a pancake breakfast. I have a delicious new pancake recipe to share with you soon! Post-pancakes, I got Finn out for a stroller run. It was my first workout in a week!
Next on the agenda was a trip to Camp North End for packet pickup for the Around the Crown 10K. I’m embarrassed to admit that it was my first trip to Camp North End. Such a cool urban development in Charlotte. I cannot believe how much this city has grown and changed since I first moved here 11 (or 12??) years ago.
I enjoyed a mom’s night out on Saturday to attend the UGA/Clemson game! I couldn’t believe that my team was playing in Charlotte for the season opener!!!
It was a 7:30p game and uptown Charlotte and the stadium were packed. It was crazy loud in there and the energy was amazing. The game was a huge defensive battle but I’m so proud of my Bulldogs for coming out on top! Clemson was ranked number 3 and we were number 5 going into the game. We have now moved up to number 2!!!! It’s going to be an exciting season of Georgia football.
You guys, this was actually the first game that I’ve attended in person in over 10 years. It was a really special evening to get to be in that stadium hollering out, “Gooooo Dawgs, sic em!” again. <3
Because of the late game I didn’t get home until midnight. I set an early alarm to run a 10K on Sunday morning!
Finn and I ran the Around the Crown 10K on Sunday morning at 8a. I have a full race recap coming in my next post but it was a super fun experience. I didn’t know how I’d feel after my late Saturday night, being on my feet all night at the game and walking a ton but the race day energy took over and I felt great!
The rest of our day looked like lots of time relaxing on the couch, a quick trip to the pool for a birthday party and then dinner with Dorie, Virginia and my friend Patti at Patti’s house. We had this beautiful appetizer spread along with some of Dorie’s famous hot artichoke dip.
Baked salmon.
This gorgeous arugula salad with wild rice, roasted delicata squash, goat cheese, pomegranates and figs.
And I brought this peach, plum and blueberry crisp. I made it gluten-free to accommodate everyone’s dietary preferences!
We got home around 9p and were both ready to crash in bed! I loved the early bedtime after a long day.
We kept Labor Day super chill after our very active weekend. Virginia came over for a walk before heading back to medical school, we took a trip to Whole Foods to do the weekly grocery shopping and did a lot of laundry and cleaning at home. Finn and I met up with my friend Jess and her daughter Chloe for an ice cream date later in the afternoon and it was a sweet way to wrap up the weekend. These two are just too cute together. They devoured their identical order of chocolate ice cream with sprinkles.
And that’s all my friends! I was sad that we couldn’t make it to Florida this weekend to visit my family but we ended up having such a fun and special weekend here in Charlotte and I am feeling very grateful for all that our city has to offer and our wonderful friends.
Did you watch any college football this weekend? Did your team win?
How was your Labor Day weekend? What did you do!?
What’s your favorite thing about the city that you live in?
The post First Day of Preschool + The BEST Labor Day Weekend! appeared first on Peanut Butter Runner.