
File Folder Organization For Kid’s Activities


This past year has changed the way I spend time with my kids at home. With no place to go and endless hours at home, I had to start getting creative with ways to entertain my children that allowed me breaks throughout the day but also sparked a little joy. We started doing a lot more crafts and it slowly became a part of our everyday. 

Five months into the pandemic I got pregnant and we now have our baby boy so craft and activity time is not as elaborate as it was. But instead I have found a few things that are easy and fun for us to do and have organized it in a way that is easy to grab - making it more likely that we actually follow through and do the activities.

I found these beautiful pastel file folders (and labeled with my label maker) that organize and hold all our crafts and activities. And then we have one cabinet in our dining room that I hold all our art supplies in. 

I have one folder for coloring and Do-A-Dot pages. Another folder for laminated activities (like alphabet and number printables for matching or tracing). And another folder for that month's Magic Playbook activities (a monthly printable subscription that we love!). We pretty much only do Magic Playbook crafts in this season with an infant because it is easy and the projects are beautiful. I do not have much time to scour Pinterest for ideas right now! The subscription makes things so much easier.

Now when it is time to do an activity, I just grab a folder and pull something out. This has proven to be a game changer now that things are organized.

And here are a few of our recent projects hanging up for display...

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